With technology taking an ever-increasing role in our everyday lives, it’s no surprise that it would work its way into how our ideas for interior design get laid out. Televisions, computers, and various other types of electronic appliances that are commonly found in the home nowadays often require specific types of furniture to accommodate them. As such devices evolve over time, so does the furniture that features and stores them in our living spaces.
The theme of simplicity
Simplicity has been a goal when it comes to incorporating digital technology into interior design schemes. As high-tech devices evolve, they become more compact and simple in form, so it only makes sense that the furniture to accommodate them would do the same.
For instance, traditionally, you might expect to find a television housed within a bulky armoire. But today you can expect to find a flat screen television mounted in the corner of the room or on the wall. Wall mounts for televisions are much more simple in form than the heavy wooden armoires and traditional television stands of the past. Likewise, other types of furniture that take technological considerations into account tend to be simplistic as well.
Technology influences daily interior design tasks
Technology has influenced the way that ongoing design tasks are performed by interior designers as well. Decorators and designers are learning to use interior design software these days rather than relying on hand-drawn sketches and cardboard models.
Graphic design software and other types of computer programs have provided interior designers with a much clearer and more malleable picture of their proposals as well as assisting them in creating the most precise plans for renovation and construction.
Now it’s becoming increasingly important for designers to graduate not only with impeccable interior design skills but with computer training as well, since they are expected to be entirely conversant with design software programs as an integral tool of the process.
Balancing changing aesthetics
One of the key responsibilities of interior designers today is balancing the changing aesthetics of interior design with what clients want and with what society will need.
For instance, an increasing number of clients are becoming more vocal about precisely what they want from their interior designers. When the designer makes aesthetic decisions, those decisions have to incorporate the client’s stated desires with design specifications that will complement and make accommodations for the continual developments in digital technology.
Clients who are drawn to more traditional design schemes can still have them while making accommodations for digital tech’s presence in current (and future) indoor spaces. For instance, a client may still have a Victorian-themed home complete with a claw-footed couch but accommodate a wall-mounted TV in the room.
With technology altering the fabric of our everyday lives, it will also inevitably change the way that interior designs are implemented in our homes … not to mention the way technology has transformed the very process of interior design itself.
By focusing on simplifying furnishings, clients and designers can rise to meet our changing times